Thursday, March 27, 2025

Attempt to Raise Assisted Suicide Bill in New Hampshire Decisively Defeated

Dear Advocates and Friends, 

Last week we shared the good news that the New Hampshire assisted suicide bill was tabled by a slim margin of a single vote. Today, an attempt was made to raise it from the table. I'm pleased to inform you that the attempt failed! In a sharp turn from the close vote of last week, 205 legislators voted against removing the bill from the table, to 169 votes in support. There remains the technical chance that the bill could be raised again but, given the decisive vote today, the likelihood of such an action is highly unlikely.    

I remain grateful to the wonderful advocates on the ground who continue to show up, write letters, meet with legislators, and do the work of educating their neighbors on this important issue. Thanks to their tireless efforts, New Hampshire remains safe today and likely for the rest of the session, from the dangerous and discriminatory policy of assisted suicide. 


Jessica Rodgers (pictured above)

Friday, March 21, 2025

New Hampshire Assisted Suicide Bill Likely Dead

By Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.

The New Hampshire assisted suicide bill (House Bill 254) is likely dead in 2025 following a close vote to table the bill in the House of Representatives.  William Skipworth reported for The New Hampshire Bulletin on March 20, 2025 that:

By a single vote, the New Hampshire House of Representatives decided to table a proposal to legalize assisted suicide.

By tabling this bill, the House decided not to advance it to the Senate, but didn’t kill it entirely. Lawmakers can still bring it back up for a vote should they choose. The bipartisan vote to table it was 183-182.